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AI Mania adding free GPTs

AI Mania website is actively adding free GPTs that will help you grow or even make you laugh.

AI Mania adding free GPTs

Open AI lets us create our own GPTs. This is amazing because we can put our knowledge into an AI and share it with the world, even to help people improve themselves, and their products or just for fun. So let us present what we've done so far:

Mock my site by AI Mania

This is our favorite GPT because it will take your site and reveal the "real" truth about it. Of course all in there it's for the sake of humor and fun but even so, there is a little truth added in there, so you might take in consideration to improve here and there.

Read more about Mock My site GPT

Blog Expert by AI Mania

Now we can get more serious and talk about a tool that is made special for the right SEO optimization for your content. This GPT represents a reliable solution for enhancing the quality and visibility of your blog content in a secure and efficient manner.

Read more about Blog Expert

DALL-E 3 Expert Prompter GPT by AI Mania

There is no way we could do such a great image like above by ourselves. We've used DALL-E 3 expert GPT, that has so many complex instructions related to lights, styles, artists... you name it.

Our advice is not to generate images directly at first, but to share your idea of an image you'd want and ask for 2-3 prompts. Then select a promot you like and then tell this GPT to generate an image for you. We promise you... you'll be amazed.

See instructions for DALL-E 3 Expert Prompter GPT

Nutrition Companion GPT by AI Mania

We work hard too, so we often ignore eating healthy. Just say hello to this tool, and then it will handle it from there.

Get a healthy habbit with Nutrition Companion

If you have ideas for more GPTs, you can also talk with us on our facebook page: Link to Facebook Page Or maybe you just want to follow us.

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