Google Chrome adds 3 new AI Features

Google Chrome adds 3 new AI features to help you organize things much easier than before

Google Chrome adds 3 new AI Features

Tab Groups

Tab Groups, lets users organize large collections of tabs. Chrome will automatically suggest and create groups based on what tabs you have opened.

To do this, you'll need to right-click on an open tab and select "Organize Similar Tabs".

AI Powered writing assistant

Google says this will help users right better online reviews, social media posts, emails etc. To use this, just right-click on any text field and select "Help me write". After you type a couple of words, the AI will understand what you're trying to say and help you out.

Ability to create your Chrome themes using AI

Users will be able to create custom themes based on art styles, colors or moods and more by choosing from a list of preselected words. Google offered up an example of "aurora borealis in an animated style with a serene" mood.

To set up a new theme like this, go to Customize Chrome panel on the side, choose Change Theme and then Create with AI.

Google said that more AI features will be implemented later this year, including integration of its new AI model Gemini.

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